Thursday, February 3, 2011

Story #7: Death by Buck Teeth

The backstory behind these twisted tales can be found here.
This is the last crazy story of the 2010 series-

MeAfter 30 years in federal prison, the lesser-known twin, Borayna Bobbit, opened a sausage shop at 3rd and Broadway.  It JFwas a sunny day and so the sausage started to sizzle in the oil-infested grill.

JLSally came over to taste the sizzling sausage.  She decided it smelled so good that she wanted to have a block party that afternoon/evening and share the sausage.  CJShe made tacos with it.  They put tables together all across Sally's lawn, but then it started to rain and the umbrellas flew away.  Sally tried to hold MFon to her teeth, but went to the dentist!  Since she only had a dollar, the dentist gave her 'buck teeth.'

“Come back tomorrow,” he said.
“What time?” asked Sally.
“Tooth-hurty,” he said.

LA She showed up at 'tooth-hurty' and he proceeded to fix her 'buck teeth' through extraction.  KJHe put her to sleep and yanked the first tooth. . . . Crap!  She woke up!  He hit her with a 2X4.  Sally was a sweet lady. . . God bless her soul.

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